Our Inspiration; workshop updates

On February 10th we had finished the workshop details of the website and we were ready to promote it to the public. That was also the day my 102 year old father had a heart attack. I dropped everything and my focus was on my dad who passed away a week later. As a result the start-up dates for workshops have been extended while I try to catch up with things. My inspiration for the Mesilla Workshops actually came from both my Moma and my Father.  When they were my age at 66 years old they were embarking on another chapter in their lives. My Father retired from 35 plus years in education and my Moma had just gotten us out of the house so she could continue to concentrate on her historical research of Mesilla. My father then began a 18 year stint as a representative to the State Legislature and my Moma continued her research on the history of Mesilla which culminated in her book (A Place as Wild as the West Ever Was). Last summer I was thinking about what to do in my retirement years and reflected on what both my parents had done. I would jokingly tell people I’ve retired but I have 15 years worth of work left. This Mesilla Worksop Series is dedicated to my parents, J Paul and Mary Daniels Taylor. They have been my inspiration.

L-R, Mary Daniels Taylor, J Paul Taylor and grandson Lee Romero Taylor.


First Intern